Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Want to give us your printing data and have questions about file formats, printing procedures and other things? Below we have summarized the most frequently asked questions about our printing services.

1. How do I submit my printing data?

You can use our file transfer service by clicking the "Send A File" tab at the top of the page.


2. What data format should my data be in?

PDF format is ideal for printing. For photo prints we recommend the formats JPG, PSD, TIFF or EPS.


3. What resolution do I need for poster prints?

With posters or other large items we recommend a resolution of at least 300 or 600 dpi. In individual cases, a resolution of 200 dpi may suffice.


4. Can I review my data on a PC before it is printed?

We can send PDF proofs for all projects, although for many four color pieces we often will recommend signing off on a hard copy proof.

Do you have any other questions about what you want to print?

Just call us at 770.419.1990 or use our contact form.

Sales Office

1389 Peachtree Street

Suite 350

Atlanta, GA 30309

Any Questions?

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